sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Feature interview on News and Analysis: About your author and writer. Entrevista de Perfil en News and Analysis: Sobre su autor y escritor.

 Written by Heidee Rolón,
Journalism student (Universidad                           
Del Sagrado Corazón (USC)).
Translated by Hiram A. Santiago
for News and Analysis.

                                    Journalism with a superation example

    -   Haven’t allowed life’s missteps to take away his dreams.

     “Sex, Drugs and Rock n’ Roll.” Said Hiram A. Santiago followed by, “That is the phrase that makes you crash against the wall. It reaches a point in which you finally crumble down. And when most people have taken you as a lost case, you take your time, pick yourself up, you forgive yourself and finally you reinvent yourself.”

     Such words were expressed by Hiram Augusto Santiago Magrís, who at 40 years old, is an example of triumph againts life's adversities for anyone who desires to turn around their lives in a positive way.

     His father’s suicide, when Hiram was only 11 years old, and his mother’s passing away from Alzheimer Disease complications two years ago, have represented difficult stages in his life, nevertheless, Hiram marches on forward for his future.
     “I’m a focus of inspiration for many people. I’ve motivated many of my friends to go back (to college), which makes me very happy and satisfies me a lot”, says Hiram, who with his distinctive black denim jacket and humble personality describes how much he’s changed, since his decision to make his life take a positive spin.

     As a Bachelor’s Degree student in Journalism at the Universidad del Sagrado Corazón (USC), he deals day to day with the responsibilities of working and studying, to provide for his family, since only five months ago Hiram became the father of a baby boy.
     On his new roll as a father says, “It is very sacrificed, but it also is a lot of joy. At the end of it all, it takes away the best from you, but that smile when he looks at me and how he stares, it is a priceless feeling.” Hiram tells with a smile on his face, looking like he is reflecting how much his son represents in his life.
     On the other side, Hiram describes as “a good experience” being a more adult student than most of his classmates. He assures that the treatment from the university’s professors, for being an older student than the rest of the group, do not make his classes any harder and that has not been a handicap for him to continue studying.

     Santiago started his studies in Journalism in 1999 through 2001, but had to withdraw from college, due to a series of personal situations. It wasn’t until 10 years later, in 2011, that he retook his studies. Now he has three semesters to go until graduation.

     With so many twists and turns in his life, Hiram defines this moment as “the culminating point. That point in the written novel, where everything is happening at the same time, but nothing has concluded yet.” This way, Hiram describes that the end of the novel will be when he finally graduates from Journalism.

  -   Music in his life


     “Who doesn’t know me as a  journalist, do know me as a musician and singer”, said Hiram.


     Besides studying Journalism, Hiram has been involved in different musical projects, either by himself playing his acoustic guitar or with guitarist and composer for Puya and Ankla, Ramón Ortíz, music is a very important part of his life.

     On the other hand, he understands that “the music world takes a lot of time.  Studying, practicing, rehearsing… It takes a lot of compromise, and not everybody has it. Usually, you end up singing by yourself.”

     At the present, Hiram continues to collaborate with different local musicians as a singer and musician, all without taking any priority out of neither his studies and family.   

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Fuertes lluvias impactan toda la Isla

- Vaguada estacionaria causa dos muertes, ríos crecidos e inundaciones en la mayoria de los municipios. 

2013-05-11_15-20-06_124.jpgUna poderosa vaguada, proveniente de la República Dominicana, causó el caos en casi todo Puerto Rico al quedar estacionaria sobre el territorio provocando inundaciones, tapones, averías del sistema de la Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (AAA) y demostró la fragilidad de la infraestructura existente ante una emergencia.

Los pueblos del interior de la Isla fueron los más afectados, donde en San Sebastian, dos jóvenes bajo la custodia del Departamento de la Familia (DF), murieron ahogadas al quedar pilladas luego de chocar el vehículo en el que transitaban y el mismo cayó al Río Guatemala, volviendo de una fuga de su escuela superior.

Afortunadamente, otras tres jovenes que las acompañaban pudieron ser salvadas por las autoridades. 

En el Municipio de Lares, las lluvias fueron tan intensas, que las inundaciones sacaron unos 100 cadáveres y ataúdes de sus tumbas del Cementerio Municipal, en pleno domingo Día de las Madres.

El gobernador. Alejandro Garcia Padilla, activó la Guardia Nacional a través de una orden ejecutiva, para mitigar y reparar los daños ocurridos en el Cementerio Municipal de Lares.

Los municipios de Lares, Orocovis, Morovis y Ciales permanecen sin servicio de agua potable.

En el Area Metropolitana, las fuertes escorrentías provocaron la rotura de una tubería de 30 pulgadas de diámetro de la AAA en la Carr.#2, jurisdicción de Bayamón, dejando sin servicio de agua potable o baja presióareas de Bayamón, Guaynabo, Caparra y Puerto Nuevo.

